Tuesday, September 4, 2018


One of the principles of art that I have rarely addressed is balance.  Balance can be formal (or symmetrical) or informal (asymmetrical).  When the elements -- line, shape, size, etc.--are positioned in mirror-like fashion around a central spot in the composition, the balance is said to be formal.  If the weight of elements appears like a teeter-totter  where a large, heavy presence is balanced by a number of smaller elements on the other side of the page, the balance is informal.

In this painting of two churches in New Brunswick, Canada, the two buildings are of similar but unequal size and weight.  The foliage on the right side of the page is larger than the two pieces of foliage on the left side -- the foliage next to the church and overhanging foliage above the church. Without the overhanging branches on the left side, the weight would shift to the right side and throw the composition out of balance.

Formal balance is present in patterned designs.  In painting landscapes, I prefer informal balance.

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