Up very early to leave Apalachicola. Goodbye to Edda and Sportsman's Lodge and Eastpoint and the Gulf.
Up Hwy. 65. About ten miles south of Hosford, I came face to face with a small herd of long horned cattle ----half along side the road and half in the roadway! I could see the open gate where they had wandered out. Time for a round-up!
One highlight of the trip was the town of Eufala, Alabama. Wonderful Main Street, fountains, lovely old mansions with live oaks shading everything.
And since Alabama and Georgia are peanut states, this cute little sculpture celebrating the National Peanut Festival caught my eye at a rest stop just inside the border.
Finally I arrived in Dadeville for an all too brief visit with friends Linda and Monty. Linda drove with me up here to Alexander City and Monty joined us later for dinner at Ruby Tuesday. I'll see them again in July in Boothbay Harbor.
So no painting today. I'll be back home Friday afternoon, so revisit my blogsite after then!
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