Monday, July 22, 2019

Heat Wave Sketching

When it's too hot to stand outside and paint, I take out the photos and sketch.  Seasonal sketches, such as The Peach Picker, are good subjects.  And since I haven't done any boatyard sketches this summer, I decided to do one in the relatively cooler temperature in my rental unit.

In the boatyard scene, I removed one of the figures in the photo.  The very dark background of the building behind the boat acted as a nice foil to the stern of the boat, so I didn't need another figure there.

Drawing and painting boats requires being able to show the curve of the boat both from front to back and from top to bottom.  Study the shadows carefully to see how they aid in the change-of-plane 

Value studies ease the process of painting by clearly defining where the darks, lights and midtones will be.  Scribbly lines may help with shapes, but only values will tell you what to paint first, second and third.

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