Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Where To Start

When faced with a complicated subject like this, the first obstacle is not yielding to the temptation to quit before even attempting to draw (or paint) it.  Where to start?

Since the figurehead plays a dominant role, I began with the head and shoulders and proceeded down the robe.  Just an outline at first.  Later on, I filled in the silhouette of the figurine.

When I came to the supporting struts, I followed the curves to the bow.  That led up to the bowsprit.  I left space for the furled sails and proceeded to the vertical part that hangs down.  (Can you tell I'm not a sailor?)

Back to the bow and the hull of the boat.  I suggested the curve of the bow and the boards.

And last, but not least, the rope lines, pulleys, and netting.  This is what gives the scene its complicated look!

Bottom line?  Start almost anywhere and then relate the first lines to connected lines and so forth.

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