Sunday, June 9, 2013


Here's the result of yesterday's plan and sketch.  Two things students have trouble with are trees (they're soooo green!), and rocks, which can quickly turn into marshmellows if you don't pay attention to some groundwork.

Yes, trees are green.  But if you paint every tree the same green, pre-mixed on the palette, you'll get no depth to your trees, and a rather dull depiction of them.

Solution:  In your first wash, vary the underpainting from yellow to blue and throw in some earth tones. Then when you put on the second and third layers, some of the underpainting will shine through, even if you put the same green on top of them.

Rocks are hard (as in solid, not difficult, although they can be).  The first wash is again important.  I mix some grays on the paper:  ultramarine blue and burnt sienna, thalo green and alizarin crimson, cobalt blue and cadmium red.  Brushwork is important here.  Make your strokes go different directions.  Vary the ratio of the mixture.  Then let it dry.  If you've not over-mixed the underpainting, the paint will suggest where some of the rocks will go. 

Look for places where you can make angular shapes.  Hard edges, not soft, will suggest angularity.

Practice mixing colors on the paper and don't over mix them. 

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