One of the distinguishing marks of experienced painters is the quality of edges in their paintings. Hard edges abound in the works of fledgling artists. Knowing where to lose an edge is the hallmark of an advanced painter.
If you remember that the areas of most contrast attract the most attention, you'll begin to center those contrasts around the focal point. The greatest contrast in values, colors and edges will attract the eye. Using hard edges at the center of interest and softer edges at the periphery will help the viewer locate the subject that is of most interest to the artist.
This painting of "The Carthage Deli" is one of the few interiors I've done. It's good to reach beyond one's comfort zone. Notice the hard edges around the figures and some of the memorabilia, and contrast those with the softer edges at the peripheries. The old gas pump, for example, acts as a frame, but it's not the center of interest, so I softened most of its edge.
So tread softly!
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